Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poor Isabella....

Look at my poor girl! I wasn't kidding when I said she was HUGE!!! Fingers crossed that everything goes well... She still has about a week or longer till her 145 (I lost her dates when my old phone broke!!! >:(

Just REALLY hoping everything goes well...

Those kiddos in there are FIESTY! They move on a regular basis...Somedays she'll be WIDE the other days she'll be super deep!

And I feel them kicking on a regular basis! That's one of the coolest things in the world, to feel the little babies kicking <3

Can't wait for kiddos (HOPEFULLY). I just want an easy delivery...Once I make it to the June breedings I'll be ok. Just a little nervous with the weather being bad and with me in school. I really really really don't want anything to happen.

Can y'all tell I'm a worried mess!?

I'm pulling my hair out anxiously! I wonder if my mom would mind if we kept her in our garage at home?! It has heat..............

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