Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gotta Love Winter....

Ohio got dumped on today! Thick heavy snow means no school for me today! So I did chores and *barely* got in the barns for chores! The doors were FROZEN!

I did get in and got everyone fed. Thanks to my mom and my grandma the goaties were warm (since they bedded them down for me when I was at school yesterday). A few buckets were frozen but I went ahead and changed them all since my goaties like their fresh water in the mornings! And I just gotta say thank God for the running water in our barn! And I'm even more thankful that the pipes didn't freeze overnight!

I'll have to get some pictures of the snow tonight once I find my camera. It's DEEP and a PAIN in the butt but it's sooo beautiful!!

Except for the fact that I *of course* so happened to have Isabella bred and due to kid when NW Ohio is having the largest snowstorm of the year!!! **smacks self** So I guess I'll be having some snow babies soon... Just hope Isabella holds out till next week when the road conditions won't be so bad.

Everyone's alive and well (thankfully). We haven't lost anyone to pneumonia this year (like we lost my two bucks last year). We did however loose a very sweet and much loved doe a few weeks back to due genetic inbreeding; which is a great reminder to all you breeders out there NOT to inbreed and linebreed when you don't know what you're doing with the lines. **Please note that I did not breed this doe, but I purchased her. On her sire's side there's an animal which is a cousin on her mom's side.

I guess that should be a lesson well learned for you all...

Have a nice snowy day! :)


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