Sorry for not talking.... My life has gotten a bit busy to update much lately. School, band, and homework (plus farmwork) has been demanding alot of time this past year. So as part of the new year, one of my resolutions is to keep the blog 100% up to date at all times! Starting now!
For August kiddings we ended up have 1 doe and 3 bucklings. We ended up keeping Scar-Bar-O Ranch Ava and Beech Creek Elite John Henry's black buckling, Tara's Rowdy Kids Mr. Magic!
As for Billy Goat Co. Leighanna's accidental breeding...She was terrified of her babies and wouldn't take care of them so I had some cute little bottle babies! Tara's Rowdy Kids Oopsie Daisy and her brother Wicked Twister. Sadly, Twister was never quite right, and didn't live to be more than a mere month old despite the help of many wise goat friends and my family and I's efforts. Our little boy had come so far, it still breaks my heart to have lost him. But because of his short little life, I have learned alot. RIP little Twister, we all miss you <3 :'(
On a lighter note; Sandusky County Fair also came and gone in late August. The goats all showed GREAT! And Tara's Rowdy Kids did AWESOME in the 4-H show! Here are the full results!
4-H show results:
(they only placed 1-3)
Int Showmanship...Sycamore Creek Pygmies Nutmeg and I placed 3rd.
Gary the Gamblin' Goat (Boer Market Overweight) - np
Tara's Rowdy Kids Sweet Divinity (Sr Doe Kid) - 2nd placeTara's Rowdy Kids Sparklin' Topaz (Sr Doe Kid owned by Ellie Rife) - 3rd place
Tara's Rowdy Kids Aurora (Sr Doe Kid) - NP
Tara's Rowdy Kids Rebel Angel (Jr Dry Yearling) - 2nd
Tara's Rowdy Kids Chocolate Legacy (Jr Dry Yearling) - 1st
Sycamore Creek Pygmies Nutmeg (Sr Dry Yearling) - NP, large class
Springwater Farms Miss Karina (freshened 2-3) - 2nd
Desert Suns American Style (freshened 3-5) - 1st, Reserve Senior Champion, Reserve Grand Champion Doe Overall!!!!
Tara's Rowdy Kids Eric's Rebel (wether under 1) - 2nd
Lil's Little Kids Winston (wether 3 and up) - 1st and Grand Champion Pygmy Wether overall!!!
TreeFrog Pygmies Musketeer (wether 3 and up) - np
Level 2 Pack: Lil's Little Kids Winston and I placed 3rd (despite the fact that Riley flopped down in the pool! LOL!
So I had a great time with my friends and goaties at the fair! It was a great time as usual! And pretty cool cause I got 2 trophys this year!
But it was a bit heartbreaking, as I had to say a permanent goodbye to my much loved Market Goat, Gambler. He was a very special goat, probably one of my favorites and he will forever be sorely missed. Thank you to Joe Perry for purchasing him from me.
Fall breedings have started, without much success. I still am not seeming to be able to get TreeFrog Pygmies Sugar Baby or Springwater Farms Karina to settle. Really disappointing :(
I think so far I've only got two does bred...
K&J Pygmies Isabella to 2xGCH Beech Creek Elite At-Apach
and Isabella's daughter:
Tara's Rowdy Kids Rosalie to 3xRGCH Beech Creek Elite John Henry
Isabella should be kidding in Febuary and her daughter Rosie hopefully should be kidding in April!
I still have about 6 or so does to breed for June. 5 registered and 1 grade doe! Should have a busy June! ;)
Well I hope you all have had a Happy Holiday season!
Love to all,