Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kid Explosion!

Well, shall I start from the beginning??

I could tell Kookie was close, she didn't completely finish her grain or her hay (which is NOT like her at all). While I was doing chores she was very restless. After chores I sat with her and watched her for a bit. A few pushes here and there. Then Ellie came so I went out to greet her and we both went into the barn and low and behold Kookie's water bubble was coming. Pretty soon I got BACK hooves coming out at me!!! She was having trouble to I gently pulled the legs out and out popped a beautiful light caramel BUCK (Kookie never had a caramel, a buck, or a kid without wattles). I had to quick break the sac and clean the mouth out and it was up and good pretty quick. Bout 10 minutes after I got the kid up and dried off and nursing, she pushed out another baby. a black agouti with a bellyband. Got him out of the sac and breathing. Was with them awhile and not long before they were up and about, nursing and all. I sat with them with Ellie for awhile (it was her first chance to see an actual delivery) before we went up to eat.

Came back checked on Sadie (nothing, she seemed close, I thought she'd go tonight or tomorrow). After awhile in with the we went to check on Sadie and low and behold. TWO TINY BABIES! I quick went in and checked. TWO DOES! Sadie has had 4 sets of buck/doe twins straight! And these are my first Wicked babies, which are simply BEAUTIFUL!

So now, I have a break before I start back up in Aug. I have three due then, all in the same week to boot. I just hope they dont all go in one day!

Enjoy some pictures on my website!